Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Poor suffering lady...;-(

Yesterday a lady called me up and said she was told by a well to do heating company in the Kent Oh area that her outside A/C unit was shot.She wanted my company to give a price on a new one.My A/C serviceman was working in Ravenna and I asked him to give her a call and take a look. Sometime later he called me and told me what he found.He said this poor lady was in a mobile home on oxygen burning up about 100 degrees.The other company turned off her air told her it was bad and charged her $90.00 Tom cleaned her outside unit with a water hose turned it back on checked it and told her it would probably last for many more years.The lady sobbed,she said she was going to have had to sell her golf cart to pay for her new A/C.Tom told her goodbye and did'nt even charge her. Now Who ya gonna call?

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Service the backbone of Holland Furnace.

Service Service Service.The backbone of Holland Furnace.I am in business to provide service to Holland Furnace customers.Whether installing,repairing,cleaning,or selling.To do it right it means service.To be able to deliver this great service takes much effort.I spend my free time wisely exercising my mind and my body.Today I was blessed to be out in the park with that great sports trainer John Tanner.We power walked 5 miles and ran one mile.I always feel great after hard training outdoors.I hike,bike,skate,run and walk outside almost every day.And You should too.Then when my mind and body are feeling right I can take on the job of providing Service to Holland Furnace customers better than ever.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Low gas pressure!

I worked on a customers furnace today.Cleaned his pilot and installed a new thermocouple.When I tried to light the pilot the flame was extremely small.Then I looked at the flame of the water heater.It was very weak(small ).Then I realized that the gas pressure was very low.If you experience this low gas pressure call the gas company right away.Have a good day.WarmFriendly yours.The Holland Furnace man.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

installed another Air Conditioner in the Goodyear Heights area yesterday!

I worked my old butt off yesterday installing the Holland Furnace way.Holland installed is the only way.Add another happy Holland customer to the ever growing ranks.Spring is rolling along.Time to head for the beach.Give Holland a call today and like us on facebook.

Friday, April 25, 2014

It's getting Warmer What will you do?

Spring is here.The grass is growing.There are too many cars.You feel out of shape.Your dog tried to bite you.What does this all mean? It must be time to call your local Holland Furnace man.He can put it all together.A new furnace,a new central A/C.Just look at the old furnace and A/C. Maybe you want satisfaction. We are always ready to service you.Call and we will be there.We service the Heart of the home.Your Comfort system.