Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Perks of being a fan of Holland Furnace

I get about 100 people a year calling me up and wanting me to either look something up for their old Holland Furnace,or wanting me to talk them through
troulble shooting a furnace that they are trying to save money on by fixing it themselves.With the rotten economy I can't blame them but it's not really doing me any favor either.
So I have decided if some calls me up wanting to pick my brain I won't mind giving out a little bit of free info provided that I see they are listed as a Fan of Holland Furnace on Facebook.
Otherwise they can go to my website and hit the PayPal donate button and send me $25.00 for up to 15 min.
This will pertain to Freinds,Family,Customers,and Countrymen.

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