Tuesday, April 13, 2010

As the Furnace Burns

I have had a very good life cleaning Ducts.I have seen much excitement.
Such as.
When I clean air ducts i cover every register with newspaper I go to each room in the house and clean each register and vent.I start at the farthest point away from the furnace and work towards the furnace. Well one time I told the homeowner how I do it and he said go and do what ever you need to do so I started covering the registers I went upstairs and went to one room after another.When I went into the last bedroom here was the homeowners wife laying naked in the bed. I cover the register then went about my business.
After I get the giant Vacuum Truck started up I again go to the farthest register
to brush and blast hight pressure air down the vent to dislodge any debri .Well I got back to that room,The lady was still laying in the beed naked and sleeping
I proceded to clean the vent(It is Quite loud) The lady never moved just layed there asleep. The man never came up or said anything.
Just a lil bit of excitement in the life of a duct cleaner.

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